St Ives resident, Bec Quinn has no plans to give up her dream of a singing career after just missing out on making it to the X Factor finals.

After being eliminated from the competition in the boot camp stage, Bec was bought back as part of a four-person girl group, One Direction style.

The group, known on television as ‘Girl Group’ but who actually call themselves New Phoenix, made it to the final 24.

The big question now is whether or not the girls will continue as a group or return to the solo careers they were each pursuing prior to the competition?

According to Bec, the girls aren’t ruling out working together.

“We’re all going to Melbourne in two weeks just to get together and figure out some songs. We’re going to give it a shot but still work on our solo careers at the same time.”

After entering as a solo artist, Bec says at first she was uncertain about being placed in a group. However the four girls bonded instantly – a bond that shone through in their performances.

“It’s pretty tough being there by yourself, with the pressure and everything, it was kind of nice to have people with you doing the same thing.”

Since leaving the competition Bec has been in the studio almost everyday recording her EP. The pop record will have about six to eight tracks, including a ballad, a stripped back piano song and a dance track.

Asked whether she is ever tempted to pursue another career path, she says she wouldn’t mind trying her hand at presenting, as long as she gets to stay where she loves – on the stage.

“It will always be something to do with performing, I’ll always do it, that’s what I’m made to do.”